Quick Tips For NetSuite Handling

Searching for more smart techniques?

We have another smart tip to improve your NetSuite handling efficiency.

There are chances when the customer does not reveal their presence and remain inactive. They are not shown in the Global search which is normal behavior. So, what will you do to get this record? Here is the answer.

At times like these, adding a plus (sign) at the end of the desired keyword is likely to show the searching record.

Steps to function:

Ensure you are adding '+' after the name of the inactive record for fetching the same. 

Press ‘Enter’ after adding two colons and the name of the record to open a new tab with possible results. 

Whenever we provide a keyword in the Global Search, click on the “::”  signs twice and the desired keyword will open a new window with all the possible results.

This process does not affect our flow or navigation and or the ongoing process.