How to Delete Multiple Records at Once

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Let’s try a New trick to delete multiple records. 

Here we go !!!

In NetSuite, sometimes we are aware of the need to delete multiple records from the system. Ofcourse, there is a standard way to do it. However, we can delete multiple records without any scripts or customizations.

Follow these steps:

Step 1:  Go to the list view of the record you wanted to multiple delete. 

For example: Go to Lists>Relationships>Vendors. 

You will see the Vendor list page.

Step 2: Check whether the Inline Editing preference is not enabled.

 Click the edit option beside the Show Inactives checkbox.

(Once enabled, a green checkmark appears with a New column at the utmost left side.)

Step 3: To delete, hold the CTRL-key and select the lines you want to include.

 You can do this when you see the Pencil icon next to the name of the column.

Step 4: Hover over the New field and select Delete Record. 

 See the Image aligned for reference.

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