How NetSuite Customization Handles Bulk Customer Statements

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A Canadian company dealing with abrasives wanted a quick solution to handle bulk processing of customer statements and approached us for a solution.


Customer statements are generally used to point out the outstanding invoices to your customers. At times, customers also use it as a document to review all their invoices and payments.

Our client company had multiple websites, meaning they cater to different customers under different names. Thus our client wanted each of their customers to have their own website header (custom template) printed out in the PDF while sending out the customer statements. Because customers of these child entities may not know the parent company.


NetSuite’s page navigation allows only up to one hundred customers at a time and this forces the user to select the customer, page by page, and then print. Since this is a hectic process, our client wanted to send customer statements in bulk. 

Developers at Jobin & Jismi sorted out a solution to the challenge by creating a provision for sending out Bulk customer statements in the company’s own template by utilizing script and advanced PDF options in the custom user interface. 

To make this happen, we had to create a separate user interface that revealed a list based on selected criteria like – statements waiting for approval, sent items, reverted customer statements, and more. We also made use of scripting and advanced pdf to create those custom templates. 


Our developers proposed a solution to filter results based on:

1. Customer

2. Vendor

3. Date 

4. Currency

This enabled the client to pinpoint a set of customers based on the above criteria and send them customer statements exclusively. 

There was also an approval system in place to monitor the customer statements that were sent out.  Also, all the approved statements and rejected statements were visible to the client.

We used the same set of tools in both these cases because they served a similar purpose and our clients benefited largely from them. They were able to filter and send customer statements according to their business need.

Consolidated Customer Statements

Another client who was already using our customer bulk statement list had a requirement. The client wanted to send a single consolidated customer statement to its parent customer when there are multiple sub customers under a single parent. 

The parent-customer hierarchy is usually followed in NetSuite to ensure smooth flow of information and here the client wanted a single statement from the parent customer to understand all the underlying child transactions. 

It’s important to understand here that the financial transactions of both the parent company and its sub customers are sent to the parent account in a consolidated statement. This is necessary because at times orders are entered under a parent account as well, so by consolidating the statements, the parent account can monitor all the transactions. 

Let’s consider an example to understand the concept in-depth,  consider three customers – A, B, C, and client X. 

Sometimes the client has a one-to-one relationship with a customer, Here let us assume (customer B). Then the client sends customer statements only to that respective customer B. 

But when the client has a direct relationship with the parent customer,

Here assume A is the parent customer. They often send out a consolidated statement including the transactions of all the parties involved, meaning –  A, B, and C sent to the parent customer A.


Standard NetSuite provides an option to consolidate statements by clicking on a checkbox. The client wanted the same functionality in the custom statement list that we created. 

Mentioning some of the filtering options that our developers offered in the custom statement list that we built for our client:

• All Customers

•  Specific Customer

•  All Currency

•  Specific Currency

They also worked on the script to provide the client with the functionality.  They created a checkbox in the existing custom page and once this checkbox is checked and the desired customer is selected, the user can click on the “Send Email” button. Here, if the customer has more than one sub customer – it will consolidate the statement and send it to the parent customers AP Email.


One of the core benefits of a consolidated customer statement is that parent customers can have an elaborate overview of their entire child transactions seamlessly. 

Several organizations with multiple parent-child hierarchies often approach us with similar requirements. Experts at Jobin & Jismi resolve this issue within a minimal time span tailored to fit the unique requirements.

Contact our team at Jobin & Jismi if you are experiencing similar concerns and expect a quick solution.